Adam Dant

Born in 1967 in Cambridge, Adam Dant studied Fine Art Printmaking at The Royal College of Art, HDK Berlin and MS University, Baroda, India.

He was a recipient of The Rome Scholarship in printmaking in 1993, The Jerwood Drawing prize in 2002 and was  appointed by parliament as ‘The Official artist of The 2015 UK General Election’. Dant is also a Regent of The College of Pataphysics, a freeman of the Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers and sits as an artist on The Royal Mint’s advisory committee.

From his Spitalfields studio by the walls of the City of London he has gained wide renown for his epic narrative ink drawings and ‘mockuments’ which detail the myths and status of London’s Financial and historic heart. He has produced commissioned works of art for the opening of Bloomberg’s new Walbrook HQ , Queen Elizabeth ll’s Thames Jubilee pageant, Christie’s 250th anniversary, The Christopher Wren 2023 Tercentenary and the 900th anniversary of St Bartholomew’s Hospital.

Adam Dant’s work is exhibited internationally and is in the collections of Tate Britain, The British Library, The V&A, MOMA New York, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Musee D’Art Contemporain Lyon, His Majesty King Charles lll , The Museum of London and various other public and private collections.

Ancient Briton,

Shellac ink on paper,

52 x 72 cm
